Load packages:


PANCAN Mutations

pancanmut <- curatedTCGAData::curatedTCGAData("*", "Mutation", dry.run = FALSE)
pancanmut <- TCGAutils::TCGAprimaryTumors(pancanmut)

Set a data folder

datafolder <- "../inst/data"


afile <- file.path(datafolder, "primarypancanmutations.rda")
if (!file.exists(afile))
  save(pancanmut, file = afile)

32 types of cancer – MESO does not have a mutation dataset

mutnames <-
    grep(glob2rx("*_Mutation-*"), names(pancanmut), value = TRUE)

mutlist <- experiments(pancanmut)

mutlist <- lapply(mutlist, function(mutassay) {
    if (all(genome(mutassay) == "19"))
        genome(mutassay) <- paste0("hg", genome(mutassay))
        genome(mutassay) <- TCGAutils::translateBuild(genome(mutassay))

    seqlevelsStyle(mutassay) <- "UCSC"
    rownames(mutassay) <- mcols(mutassay)$Hugo_Symbol
    somaticnonsilent <- mcols(mutassay)$Mutation_Status == "Somatic" &
        mcols(mutassay)$Variant_Classification != "Silent"
    mutassay <- mutassay[somaticnonsilent, ]

    Variants <- mcols(mutassay)$Variant_Classification
    Variants <- gsub("_", " ", Variants)
    Variants <- ifelse(Variants == "R", "RNA", Variants)
    mcols(mutassay)$Variant_Classification <- Variants


Filter variants that are low in counts

muttable <- table(unlist(
    lapply(mutlist, function(x) mcols(x)$Variant_Classification)
varikeep <- muttable / sum(muttable) > 0.001
cbind.data.frame(muttable, keep = varikeep, row.names = NULL)
##                        Var1   Freq  keep
## 1                     3'UTR     67 FALSE
## 2                   5'Flank     18 FALSE
## 3                     5'UTR     42 FALSE
## 4     De novo Start InFrame     21 FALSE
## 5  De novo Start OutOfFrame    160 FALSE
## 6           Frame Shift Del  32765  TRUE
## 7           Frame Shift Ins  14757  TRUE
## 8                       IGR    105 FALSE
## 9              In Frame Del   7539  TRUE
## 10             In Frame Ins   1597  TRUE
## 11                    Indel     13 FALSE
## 12                   Intron    909 FALSE
## 13                 Missense     44 FALSE
## 14        Missense Mutation 862102  TRUE
## 15        Nonsense Mutation  66349  TRUE
## 16         Nonstop Mutation    934 FALSE
## 17             Read-through     10 FALSE
## 18                      RNA  36308  TRUE
## 19              Splice Site  27780  TRUE
## 20          Splice Site Del      5 FALSE
## 21          Splice Site Ins      3 FALSE
## 22          Splice Site SNP    236 FALSE
## 23          Targeted Region      8 FALSE
## 24   Translation Start Site    771 FALSE
validvariants <- names(muttable)[varikeep]
validvariants <- setNames(validvariants, validvariants)


afile <- file.path(datafolder, "validvariants.rda")
if (!file.exists(afile))
  save(validvariants, file = afile)

LiftOver genomes from hg18 to hg19

lifturl <-
bfc <- BiocFileCache()
qfile <- bfcquery(bfc, "18to19chain", exact = TRUE)[["rpath"]]
cfile <-
if (length(qfile) && file.exists(qfile)) {
    bfcquery(bfc, "18to19chain", exact = TRUE)[["rpath"]]
} else {
    bfcadd(bfc, "18to19chain", lifturl)
chainfile <- file.path(tempdir(), gsub("\\.gz", "", basename(cfile)))
R.utils::gunzip(cfile, destname = chainfile, remove = FALSE)
chain <- suppressMessages(

mutlift <- lapply(mutlist, function(mutassay) {
    if (all(genome(mutassay) == "hg18")) {
        ranges19 <- rtracklayer::liftOver(rowRanges(mutassay), chain)
        mutassay <- mutassay[as.logical(lengths(ranges19))]
        rowRanges(mutassay) <- unlist(ranges19)
        genome(mutassay) <- rep("hg19", length(genome(mutassay)))
    seqlevelsStyle(mutassay) <- "NCBI"
## Discarding unchained sequences: NT_113923

Generate references from respective annotation packages

gn18 <- genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene)
gn18 <- keepStandardChromosomes(granges(gn18), pruning.mode="coarse")
seqlevelsStyle(gn18) <- "NCBI"
names(gn18) <- AnnotationDbi::mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db, names(gn18),
    keytype = "ENTREZID", column = "SYMBOL")
## 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
gn18 <- sort(gn18)
gn18 <- unstrand(gn18)

gn19 <- genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
gn19 <- keepStandardChromosomes(granges(gn19), pruning.mode="coarse")
seqlevelsStyle(gn19) <- "NCBI"
names(gn19) <- AnnotationDbi::mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db, names(gn19),
    keytype = "ENTREZID", column = "SYMBOL")
## 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
gn19 <- sort(gn19)
gn19 <- unstrand(gn19)

mutlist2 <- lapply(mutlist, function(ragex) {
    rowRanges(ragex) <- unstrand(rowRanges(ragex))
    seqlevelsStyle(ragex) <- "NCBI"

Combine all cancers

The variant function tallies the number of non-silent mutations. We use qreduceAssay to perform the reduction and calculation of non-silent mutations based on the gene regions in the genome.

variant_fun <- function(scores, ranges, qranges) {
    as.numeric(any(scores != "Silent"))

mut3 <- lapply(mutlist2, function(mutassay) {
    gen <- unique(genome(mutassay))

    if (identical(gen, "hg19"))
        gn <- gn19
    else if (identical(gen, "hg18"))
        gn <- gn18

    resov <- qreduceAssay(mutassay, gn, variant_fun, "Variant_Classification",
        background = 0)
    rownames(resov) <- names(gn)
    resov[!is.na(rownames(resov)), ]

allgenes <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(mut3, rownames))

genomut <- vapply(mutlist2, function(x) unique(genome(x)), character(1))

mut4 <- lapply(mut3, function(mutmat) {
    mutmat[allgenes, ]
afile <- file.path(datafolder, "mutationspancan.rda")
if (!file.exists(afile))
  save(mut4, file = afile)

Find the top genes where we get the most non-silent mutations.

mut18 <- mut4[genomut == "hg18"]
mut19 <- mut4[genomut == "hg19"]

mut18full <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, mut18)
mut19full <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, mut19)

tot18 <- rowSums(mut18full)
tot19 <- rowSums(mut19full)

allgenes <- union(names(tot18), names(tot19))
allsums <- vapply(allgenes,
    function(g) sum(tot18[g], tot19[g], na.rm = TRUE), double(1L))

topgenes <- head(sort(allsums, decreasing = TRUE), 25)

genesoi <- c("CASP8", "CDKN1A", "EP300", "CREBBP", "ARID1A", "ARID2", "KDM6A",
"TP53", "NF1", "NF2", "CDH1", "APC", "PIK3R1", "IDH1", "IDH2", "GNA11", "GNAQ",
"GNAS", "EGFR", "ERBB2", "ERBB4", "KRAS", "PIK3CA", "RHOA", "AKT1", "CTNNB1")
afile <- file.path(datafolder, "genesoi.rda")
if (!file.exists(afile))
  save(genesoi, file = afile)

Generate a list of funcitons that target each mutation variant. Use the list of functions to tally up the number of variants per gene.

mutlist18 <- mutlist2[genomut == "hg18"]
mutlist19 <- mutlist2[genomut == "hg19"]

simplify_funs <- lapply(validvariants,
    function(variant) {
        args <- alist(scores =, ranges =, qranges =)
        args <- as.pairlist(args)
        body <- substitute({
            as.numeric(any(S4Vectors::`%in%`(scores, z)))
        }, list(z = variant))
        eval(call("function", args, body))

simpres18 <- lapply(simplify_funs, function(variant_fun) {
    lapply(mutlist18, function(mutmat) {
        gn <- gn18[match(genesoi, names(gn18))]
        res <- qreduceAssay(mutmat, gn, variant_fun, "Variant_Classification",
            background = 0)
        rownames(res) <- names(gn)
        res[!is.na(rownames(res)), ]

simps18 <- lapply(simpres18, function(x) do.call(cbind.data.frame, x))

simpres19 <- lapply(simplify_funs, function(variant_fun) {
    lapply(mutlist19, function(mutmat) {
        gn <- gn19[match(genesoi, names(gn19))]
        res <- qreduceAssay(mutmat, gn, variant_fun, "Variant_Classification",
            background = 0)
        rownames(res) <- names(gn)
        res[!is.na(rownames(res)), ]

simps19 <- lapply(simpres19, function(x) do.call(cbind.data.frame, x))

list_mats <- Map(cbind, simps18, simps19)
list_mats2 <- lapply(list_mats, data.matrix)
afile <- file.path(datafolder, "list_mats2.rda")
if (!file.exists(afile))
  save(list_mats2, file = afile)

Checkpoint - load variants

load(file.path(datafolder, "validvariants.rda"))

Create a list of functions for input for the ComplexHeatmap plotting function.

qualcolors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = length(validvariants), 'Set3')
colors <- setNames(qualcolors, validvariants)
mutfuns <- lapply(colors, function(couleur) {
    args <- alist(x =, y =, w =, h =)
    args <- as.pairlist(args)
    body <- substitute({
        grid::grid.rect(x, y, w, h, gp = grid::gpar(fill = z, col = NA))
    }, list(z = couleur))
    eval(call("function", args, body))

background <- function(x, y, w, h)
    grid::grid.rect(x, y, w, h,
        gp = grid::gpar(fill = "#FFFFFF", col = "#FFFFFF"))
mutfuns2 <- c(background = background, mutfuns)
afile <- file.path(datafolder, "mutfuns2.rda")
if (!file.exists(afile))
  save(mutfuns2, file = afile)

Figure 2

OncoPrint plot of selected cancer driver genes frequently mutated across 33 TCGA cancer types

Plot the oncoPrint function:

ll <- IRanges::LogicalList(lapply(list_mats2, function(y) colSums(y) == 0))
matlog <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ll, unname))
allzero <- apply(matlog, 2, all)
list_mats3 <- lapply(list_mats2, function(x) x[, !allzero])

    list_mats3, alter_fun = mutfuns2, col = colors, show_pct = FALSE,
    use_raster = FALSE
## All mutation types: Frame Shift Del, Frame Shift Ins, In Frame Del, In
## Frame Ins, Missense Mutation, Nonsense Mutation, RNA, Splice Site

Saving to PDF format

# png("PANCAN_Mutations-oncoprint.png", width = 12, height = 8, units = "in",
#     res = 600)
pdf("F2_PANCAN_Mutations-oncoprint.pdf", width = 12, height = 8,
    paper = "special")

    list_mats3, alter_fun = mutfuns2, col = colors, show_pct = FALSE,
    use_raster = FALSE